Matchmaking Categories: How to Add Matchmaking Categories

Matchmaking Categories: How to Add Matchmaking Categories

What are Matchmaking Categories?
A Matchmaking Category is a topic or subject of interest used to match people up for networking opportunities during an event. 

1. To make edits to the event platform page, log into the event platform and access the admin page

EVA Tip: You can only make changes to the event platform with Admin access

2. On the left column, hover your mouse over Attendee Engagement, and in the drop-down menu that appears, click Matchmaking Categories

3. Click the Add Category button in the upper right corner

4. Type in the Matchmaking Category name, and set the status to Active 

5. Determine if this Matchmaking Category is a subsection or "child" of another matchmaking category. If so, click the box and choose the "parent" matchmaking category 

6. To add this matchmaking category and save your changes, click the Add button. To discard your changes click the Cancel button

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