static_pages: refers to content that will be used to populate static webpages that attendees can view.
Confprograms: Refers to content that is associated with conference programs, or conference sessions. This can include such as PowerPoint/slide deck PDFs, worksheets, and other documents a presenter would use in conjunction with their presentation.
Sponsors: Refers to content that is associated with sponsors. Can include content such as PDFs, brochures, and other promotional material.
Exhibitors: Refers to content that is associated with sponsors. Can include content such as PDFs, brochures, and other promotional material.
Posters: Refers to content that is associated with posters. Can include content such as poster PDFs, abstracts, and other research documents.
Speakers: Refers to content that is associated with speakers, or presenters. Can include content such as PDFs, biographies, and documents pertaining to the speaker or their presentations.